

Spheros Hello this is Savanna and I working on programming a sphero. It is really hard to program a sphero because you have to try and figure out which direction it will go then you have got to put in the exact right program for it to work. After quite a while we got it right so we got some tap and put it on the floor and tried to get the sphero to go across the tap in whatever shape that we put the tap as. It took us forever to get the sphero to go along the tap and even in the end it didn't quite get there so we made the shape into a square shape instead of a love heart shape. The square was a lot easier to get the sphero to go trace, so luckily we mastered it by the end of the session.   

what my life would be like if I lived in juba

What my life would be like if I lived in juba High I am Dana and I live with my Mum, Dad, Brother and Sister in Juba.   In the morning get my bucket and go and get my friends Kureo and Jury and we all go and get the water for our families. I go back and buy food for my family. Next I will go hunting for wild weeds. I can’t be too long as I need to get my backpack and go to school. At school me my Brother and my friends will try to understand our teacher because he speaks a different language to what we speak. After school me and my brother come home have a drink of water then go to our stool and sell the food . Then we bring the scraps home and my Mum or Dad make soup with them. Then we  have dinner and get into our very tight mattresses and go to sleep.

Refugee day

Refugee day  Hello this is me and my friends outside our hut at refugee day. The reason we did refugee day was because the Batten team had been doing a lot of work on south Sudan and how they had civil wars and had to go to refugee  camp. When we had the refugee day we built houses because the people that had to go to the refugee camps have to live in houses that aren't good quality.  Me and my friends found this  big massive box to use. How we made it was we pulled up the sides of the box and used a lot of duct tap to stick them together then I hung pieces of string at the back of the house and stuck leaves to it with duct tape for a decoration. Then we had to go and get a half a cup of rice to eat because at  refugee  camps they only get half a cup of rise a day. When we did it I felt really excited, like there was a lot of team work going in to it, annoyed when the hut almost feel down and nervous.


korfball Hello this is half of room 4 playing Korfball. I am in the team that has no bibs on. We had had 2 days of korfball already and this was the 3 day as well as the last day. My team won every single game except for 1. It is really hard to shoot a goal because the hoops are so high up, so the boys would usually shot the goals and us girls would get the ball close enough so they could shoot it into the hoop. Everyone enjoyed it so much it was so fun and the man the taught us on the last day was so funny. The man that was teaching us was really fashionable (according to him). He was wearing a blue benny on his head a orange jacket zipped up and white pants with black dots on them. The 1 game we lost was the last game we lost by getting 0 goals and the other team won with the score 7. the rules where... you can't move when you have the ball. you can't shoot if someone is guarding you...

learns video chat

LEARNZ This morning the Batten team had a video chat with Andrew and he told us all about water. One off the things he told us was that we can never run out of water because the water cycle always comes so there is always water to fill up the aquifers. Another thing he told us is you can change saltwater to freshwater by mixing chemicals together with natural resources. The word that scientist use for this sort of thing is desalination.  The last thing that he told us was that when rivers are not flowing they will they go to a river that is flowing well and they get buckets and fill them up then tip it in the river that isnt flowing well to get it flowing again.  

since in a van

Hello I am Pollyanna and this is me in room 4 doing some balancing Now the reason I am doing this balancing is because Me and my class had just been to see some since in a van and the first thing they  did was balancing. At this time I was so proud of my self for using all the things in my pencil case to do this then I started thinking how cool it was the fact that since and a van tort  us how to do this amazing stuff. This is Emily doing this call trick where she gets three wine glasses with some water in them then gets a table mat and puts it on top of them. Then she got three tubes and put them on top of the table mat and then she put three eggs on top of the tubes. Then she counted down from three then hit the table mat and as it was going up the eggs landed in the wine glasses with out smashing it was amazing. 

Global playdate time

On Friday we had a Global play day session. This is me and my friends in our hut that we had just built. After we had built our hut we went in side the hut and played family feud. We did not play family feud the proper way because there weren't enough of us but we played it our way. The way we played it was I read out a questions and Matilda and Sophie had to answer the Quinton and if they got the questions write I would give them the card and bit tend it was money. We had such a fun time it was very much like being at home. While we where playing the game the blankets all flew off so we all quickly got up and fixed them.When we fixed them we tied them to the tables this time so they couldn't fly off.